our calling
On His way from Jerusalem to Galilee, Jesus leads his disciples to the quickest route through a town in Samaria. Tired and thirsty, He sits by Jacob’s Well while His disciples leave to look for food. It was about noon; the hottest point of the day. At this inconvenient hour, a Samaritan woman arrives with her jar to draw water as the Son of God awaits to fulfill His plan. In an encounter that defied social norms, Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah to this burdened and wearied woman through their fellowship where she experiences true acceptance, healing, and restoration.
A Place By The Well is dedicated to reflecting this moment in John 4. Just as it was in Christ’s divine plan to meet the Samaritan woman, Jesus has a plan and desire to encounter each and every one of us regardless of our past. The blood He shed on the cross covers all our sins and welcomes us into His house just as we are. We believe that by following His example, we are also called to share the love of Christ through every opportunity we are given and every person we encounter. We strive to provide a community where the burdened are healed, where the wearied find rest, where the thirsty are quenched, and where each and every individual learns to be and live like Christ. No matter who you are or what you have done, through the power of the cross and the work of the Holy Spirit, there is a place for all of us to experience His acceptance, compassion, and love.